Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You know that a new technology has entered mainstream when .....

You know that a new technology, especially a new media technology (which expression is not, I assume, the same as a new medium), has entered mainstream when you start getting spammed on by the scum of the cyberworld - porn sites, on-line dating sites, penis enlargers, e-marketeers, et al. 
I was really enjoying using twitter till a few weeks ago. I used to get the occasional unknown alien follower which I did not mind. But in the last few weeks, there's been this huge wave of followers for no fault of mine. And I do not kid myself about how great my tweets are or how popular I am. I think this is part of the Oprah Winfrey and Ashton Kutcher effect ... it sort of started after the week when Oprah tweeted her first tweet and aplusk beat CNN to the million followers mark.

Posted via email from HyperActiveX's Posterous


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