Sunday, May 31, 2009

More on being non-judgmental

When people take positions in favour of being non-judgmental, don't they realize that that very act is judgmental in nature? It is tantamount to saying - being judgmental is bad, being non-judgmental is good. We make judgments all the time, as we spend most of our lives choosing (what we call) good over (what we call) bad, and this is part of being human.

Perhaps what they really mean is moral righteousness and if that is so, I am inclined to agree. I have no place for imperious self-righteousness in my scheme of things and am more than likely to avoid people who ride a moral high-horse - perhaps at times rather indelicately. Especially so when it is the kind of morality that is founded on principles that do not support a progressive and sustainable approach to modern life, and instead represents a clinging on to rigid ideologies or anachronistic religious teachings (many of which are actually invidious in today's context) or a kind of morality that arises from just plain old bigotry and intolerance. And yes, I'm saying that that is bad, in my personal, humble, highly subjective opinion. I just made a value judgment on a certain attitude or behavioural trait, but I am not condemning it to damnation.

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