Saturday, August 20, 2011

Reflection on Self-righteousness and Reflexivity

Every time I come across someone accusing someone else of being self-righteous I am reminded of Gödel Escher Bach and self-referential logic.

If you break it down to basics, this is how it goes:
1. It is wrong to be self-righteous (unstated premise, based on moral values)
2. You are self-righteous (observation)
3. You are therefore wrong (derived from #1 and #2)
4. I am not self-righteous (implicit in #2 -- since I am calling you out on this)
5. I am therefore right (derived from #1 and #4)
6. I am more righteous than you (inferred from #3 and #5) 

Who is being self-righteous now? (wink wink nudge nudge)

The accusation of hypocrisy, on the other hand, is free from reflexive contradiction. But I will let you reflect on that.

In any case, it pays to be a little circumspect when taking moral positions.

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Snapshot of Civilization circa 2011

If an alien spaceship were to land on earth today and do a mashup of global news headlines, this is how it would look: 

Civil War in Libya, Civil Disturbances in Britain, Civil Unrest in Bahrain, Civil Uprising in Syria, Civil Society Protests in India, Civil Rights Agitation in Myanmar, Denial of Civil Liberties in Tibet, Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan ...

About time we put the 'civil' back in civilization!

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