Saturday, September 26, 2009

Will all you chronic WTFers kindly STFU? Kthxbai

Seriously, it can get tiresome, and at times downright annoying, when every second or third tweet has a WTF and/or an STFU in it. Tweeple should realize that such messages inject negative energy that vitiates the 'tweetosphere', for want of a better word. And this is equally applicable outside the tweetosphere as well, in the real world. Which is why nobody enjoys the company of curmudgeons.

There's a whole bunch of good stuff going on out there too, in this great wide beautiful wonderful world. Those who don't see or can't see or won't see it, should just STFU. Vent your spleen somewhere private, please. I mean, WTF!

Posted via email from HyperActiveX's (Pre)Posterous Posts

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