Friday, July 13, 2012

Minor Observation #9

Most people in privileged positions are not inclined to be in favor of what is commonly referred to as a "level playing field". (Yeah, I know, sounds clichéd, but my other option is to indulge in some form of sesquipedalianism.)

This could be because of:
1. Ignorance (not knowing exactly how uneven the playing field is)
2. Apathy (not caring how uneven the playing field is)
3. Deliberation (specifically wanting to keep it uneven)

Of these, the third is the most pernicious. It arises from the insecurity that such people have -- that they may not actually deserve the position of privilege they currently enjoy. If they were secure in the knowledge that they did, then they should be confident enough to face the competition brought on by a level playing field. In fact they ought to welcome it.

A level playing field is important not because it is the morally correct thing to have (which it may well be), but because it is the only true path to progress. 

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