Tuesday, June 23, 2009

No subservience please, we're French

As of yesterday, Monsieur Sarkozy has prohibited the entry of suberservient women into France. Well, he didn't actually say that in so many words, but he said two things, and I quote a fragment from this news item (just to pick one of several news stories on this topic):

"The burka is not a sign of religion, it is a sign of subservience," he told members of both parliamentary houses gathered for his speech. He added: "It will not be welcome on the territory of the French republic."

When read together, that's what it means. No entry for subservient women. By extension, this should apply to all women, not just women in burka and/or of a particular faith. After all the French are a secular people, and their laws, I assume, are to be uniformly enforced across people of all religions. 

I am trying to imagine a scene at the passport control check point at the CDG, where a portly middle-aged French gendarme is trying to ascertain whether the woman before him is or is not subservient. How does he do this? He will have to issue a string of commands and if all of them are disobeyed, stamp the woman's passport for entry. Can get pretty challenging for the average Jacques. Same thing at work, same thing at home. Merde!

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